Sunday, December 7, 2008

Film armagedon bisa jadi nyata kayaknya

Bumi sejak zaman dahulu sering didatangi tamu dari luar angkasa. Baik yang hanya melintas, atau mendarat di permukaan Bumi. Bahkan tamu-tamu itulah yang diduga memicu munculnya kehidupan serta menciptakan ekosistem yang mampu menopang kehidupan hingga kini. Yang kita bicarakan disini bukan makhluk luar angkasa yang turun dari piring terbang atau UFO, melainkan benda langit yang bernama asteroid, meteorit arau komet. Benda-benda langit itulah yang diyakini menciptakan ekosistem di Bumi.

Ribuan meteorit menghujani bumi setiap tahunnya. Hanya saja karena ukurannya amat kecil, meteorit ini sudah hancur terbakar ketika memasuki atmosfir. Sebagian diantaranya mungkin masih tersisa dan jatuh ke Bumi berupa bola berapi. Berita terakhir yang membuat masyarakat panik adalah laporan dari perhimpunan astronomi internasional- IAU, yang mengatakan ada kemungkinan pada tahun 2028, sebuah asteroid besar akan menabrak Bumi.

Laporan IAU tsb, segera menimbulkan kepanikan penduduk di berbagai negara. Sehari kemudian para pakar dari laboratorium propulsi jet -JPL di California membantah laporan tsb. Berdasarkan analisis foto astronomi diperoleh data, bahwa asteroid besar yang diberinama XF 11 itu hanya akan melintasi Bumi pada jarak sekitar 960.000 kilometer. Sebagai perbandingan, jarak antara Bumi dengan Bulan adalah sekitar 380.000 kilometer. Tetapi para ahli astronomi menyebutkan, ancaman terkena jatuhan benda langit semacam itu amat sulit diramalkan. 1. Diakui, selama ini pengamatan dan data mengenai ancaman jatuhnya asteroid, meteorit dan komet ke Bumi, amatlah terbatas. Pada tahun 1995 AS memprakarsai program pengamatan asteroid dekat Bumi-NEAT. Sampai saat ini, program tsb sudah berhasil melacak dan mendata lebih dari 6.000 asteroid baru, 15 diantarnya digolongkan amat dekat dengan Bumi dan 4 diantaranya dikategorikan amat berbahaya.

Apa bahayanya jika sebuah asteroid atau meteorit jatuh ke Bumi ?. Film Deep Impact mungkin mampu menggambarkan betapa dahsyatnya bencana yang ditimbulkan. Atau kejadian nyata pada tanggal 30 Juni tahun 1908, ketika sebuah meteorit berdiameter hanya 60 meter, meledak di ketinggian 15 kilometer di atas hutan di kawasan Tunguska Siberia. Dalam radius 60 kilometer rumah-rumah seolah diguncang gempa hebat. Dan pada radius sekitar 20 kilometer dari pusat ledakan, hutan terbakar dan porak peranda. Atau terciptanya kawah meteorit berdiameter satu kilometer di Arizona AS, yang merupakan dampak dari jatuhnya sebuah meteorit besi berdiameter 100 meter pada 20.000 tahun lalu.

Sejauh ini para ahli juga memperkirakan, musnahnya dinosaurus 65 juta tahun lalu, adalah akibat jatuhnya sebuah asteroid berdiameter 10 kilometer ke semenanjung Yucatan di Mexiko. Dahulu dampaknya tidak mengancam manusia. Karena ketika dinosaurus musnah, manusia samasekali belum ada di Bumi. Sementara 20.000 tahun lalu Arizona adalah kawasan kosong yang tidak dihuni manusia.

Bila perhitungan para ahli meleset, dan asteroid XF 11 yang berdiameter 1,6 kilometer benar-benar jatuh ke Bumi maka bencana besar dalam sekejap akan memusnahkan ratusan juta manusia. Energi ledakan yang dilepaskannya diperhitungkan setara dengan 20 juta kali energi bom atom yang dijatuhkan di Hiroshima. Impak tabrakan akan menyebabkan letusan gunung api, memicu tsunami serta membuat Bumi gelap gulita. Dalam waktu sekejap, umat manusia akan merasa kembali ke zaman batu.

Masalahnya kini adalah, bagaimana meramalkan akan jatuhnya benda langit itu ke Bumi. Mengapa tiba-tiba benda langit itu menyimpang dari jalurnya. Serta bagaimana mencegah agar bencana besar tidak menimpa umat manusia. Untuk itu berbagai program angkasa luar, kini juga dikaitkan dengan pengamatan benda langit dekat Bumi. Berbagai data mengenai perubahan perilakunya juga dicatat secara teliti. Jutaan foto dibuat untuk analisis data.

Asteroid dekat Bumi, biasanya merupakan asteroid yang terpental dan melenceng dari jalur alamiahnya. Di tata surya, sabuk asteroid terletak antara planet Mars dan Yupiter. Akan tetapi bila ada gaya lain dari alam semesta, misalnya ada komet yang melintas atau terjadi tabrakan asteroid, maka beberapa buah asteroid itu lepas dari jalurnya dan boleh jadi memasuki gaya tarik Bumi. Bila obyeknya cukup besar, benda langit ini dapat bertahan, dan kemungkinan jatuh ke Bumi. Bila obyeknya kecil, biasanya habis terbakar di luar angkasa.

Relatif kecilnya asteroid atau meteorit yang memasuki gaya tarik Bumi, menyebabkan seringkali luput dari pengamatan para ahli. Diameter sekitar satu kilometer bagi benda langit adalah relatif kecil bila dibanding dengan satelit atau planet serta bintang yang ukurannya amat besar. Diakui, para ahli astronomi seringkali hanya berhasil melihat jejaknya, bahwa sebuah meteor atau asteroid baru saja melintasi Bumi. Dengan demikian, bila benda langit ini jatuh ke Bumi, para ahli tidak berdaya mencegahnya, karena memang tidak mampu melacaknya.

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Friday, December 5, 2008

lirik dan free download lagu styles of beyond - nine thou (superstars remix)

I'm like hook! (Hook!)

Aiyyo, first things first
It's time to shake ground in the eighth round
Box battle and break down
For the beak in the rhyme tone
jump in the cyclone
S-T-Y-L-E-S, yes I know
Give the rap phene vaccine
packed red beam
Put 'em up, unh.
You plucked a bad seed
Off the wall, spittin' the guerilla tag team
What's up now, duck down stuff that can't breathe

Yo- you know the routine, the demon effect
Please, don't step, you wanna be one of my pet peeves (Huh?)
The more beef the better; sound strange
But you all wanna creep together, ok
In the club with a cheesy sweater
Why not? We got so much street credit, the rookie police let us
Now that's foolish, cause we would act sweet
cause i can run 10 laps in a track meet

Keep it movin' it's on now
Making it punk loud
Shaking the buck wild
Rapin' the punk style
Fakin' the funk pal
Dunk watch the punk
What now? Watch your battleship get sunk down

Click (click) pow (pow) nine (nine) Thou (thou)
What? Just what I thought, what's up now?
Click(click) pow (pow) nine (nine) thou (thou)
What? Just what I thought what's up now?
I'm like hook! (Hook!)

Hold it down, never give in
Styles ever get limbs
Or whether you want it to end
Dirty 'em, I burn 'em again
0 5 serving them sins
Uh 30 your friends get knocked out, turbulent wind
Hopped out, what you want, take a look at my grin
I'm a fish; you can tell by the flippers or fins

Yo- I got a rock style
Pivot the offspring and joke with 'em
With a distorted guitar string
Who am i? Rushin' what leg? who and Tak?
Pushin' your bed hotter than Quebec in July
Area 51, stereo, rive gun live
Here we go, S-O-B drop some
For the kids in the hall with the new block tape
Blast from both angles a boondock saint
So get up get up and let the sound hit ya
Snap it's already ya style picture unh

Who the hell wear splittin' the belly up on a selfish
Shinnin' in your style playin' the fell blitz
Drillin' your brain, like rap and video games
Feel the syringe for the styles that stickin' in your brain

Yo- what kind of stuff is he on
Really is styles, really beyond
C'mon punk shove off; You really gotta be gone;
Ripped out of your brain;
Tripped over your lip to diss this S-O-B game
Whats with this?
Showin me kibbles & bits
There ain't a street dog in the globe I can't fix, get it?
I'm sick with it, when I spit the venom
And it drip's up in 'em
And it get's the women in a
Quick dilemma; We could settle it now
And I don't know who did it but they said it was styles

Click, pow, nine, thou
Just what i thought
What's up now?

Gimana? Tau kan lagu ini?
kalau mau download klik kata di bawah ini

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

lirik lagu The Morning After - Quatro

This will always be mine
Wondered why
A purpose, an argument, a smile
You’re my favorite waste of time
Now, I need to survive
All the time
Another corner of my day
Starving for the next delay
Here is all my evidence
This is not for everyone
Pretends that I am making sense
Wanted you to know
This is where you have to go
And I keep following your days
This is not for everyone

kalo Anda mau download lagu ini silakan klik


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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Air Yang Cerdas Dalam Tubuh Kita

Pernah baca bukunya Oom Masaru Emoto dan asistennya “True Power of Water” tentang bagaimana ajaibnya air merespon suara dan gelombang di sekitarnya? Tentu kita dibikin takjub, betapa air bisa membentuk kristal yang berbeda dengan perlakuan gelombang yang berbeda, bahkan dengan tulisan saja. Seolah air bisa berkomunikasi.

Mengulang apa yang telah di ditjatet sama si Oom, kalau air di ekspos dengan musik rock yang amburadul, air akan gagal membentuk kristal yang cantik/indah. Namun, jika air diberikan alunan nada yang lebut atau ucapan terimakasih dan penghargaan, maka air bisa membentuk kristal yang indah.

Saya jadi inget, kalau tubuh kita kurang lebih 80% adalah air, bahkan otak kita konon terdiri lebih dari 90% air (maaf data saya kurang bisa dipertanggung jawabkan). So.. kalau si Oom Masaru betul, maka apa yang menjadi perkataan kita, gelombang pemikiran-pemikiran kita akan mempengaruhi bagus tidaknya pembentukan kristal si air. Dan kalau benar, maka perubahan sifat air yang notabene 80% ini akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap tubuh kita secara keseluruhan.

Bentuk kristal yang berubah, akan merubah sifat kimia air? apakah kristal air yang bagus akan menjadikan sifat kimia air lebih baik? sayang sekali saya belum menemukan jawabannya. Namum yang saya pahami, jika bentuk molekul suatu senyawa berubah, maka sifat kimianya akan berubah, bahkan perubahan kecil, misal posisi atom, akan banyak merubah sifat kimia suatu molekul. Misal para-xylene, akan memiliki sifat yang sangat berbeda dengan ortho-xylene. Wah opo maneh iki..

Namun inti yang ingin saya tjatet bukan di situ. Intinya menurut saya adalah :

  • Apa yang kita ucapkan, pikirkan dan lakukan, sekecil apapun akan punya pengaruh terhadap tubuh kita, mungkin dimesi kasat mata dan tidak kasat mata, yang sering tidak kita sadari karena memang pengetahuan manusia terbatas.. kok saya jadi ngeri sendiri..
  • Hmm,Saya ndak tau lah, karena ilmu saya terbatas, Wallohu a’laM
  • Dan juga kita harus selalu berdoa karena 70% tubuh kita dari air. Makanya harus sering doa, kan darah itu paling banyak oleh plasma darah nah plasma darah itu kan air jadi dengan doa kita bisa membuat kristal kristal di plasma darah kita jadi bagus. Betul? Nggeh opo nggeh?
  • haha kayaknya blagu amat gw
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Friday, November 14, 2008

Call of Duty Cheats

Bagi Anda yang mau main enak call of duty, saya ada cheatnya tapi butuh proses dulu kaya gini:

Ganti target fieldnya dengan cara klik kanan pada shorcut game. Terus pilih properties, lalu ada tulisan target lo ganti isinya dengan yang ini :
"+set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0" (i.e. "C:\Program Files\Call of Duty\CoDSP.exe" +set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0)
maknyus dah
terus klik apply lalu OK
tinggal maen deh
kalo mau make cheat tekan ~ pada keyboard
cheatnya nih yang gw tau aja :
1. god = buat darahnya ga abis abis
2. ufo = biar bisa terbang tapi susah turun
3. notarget = musuh ga bakalan nembak kita.
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Friday, October 24, 2008


gile hari ini bener hari yang sibuk
sibuk dah pokoknya
ngantuk pula
untung besoknya libur
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cartoon Network characters do battle in this massively multiplayer online game

by Chris Holt,
Sep 11, 2008 9:54 pm

Cartoon Network is getting into the massively multiplayer online game business. And Mac users can join in on the fun.

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First Look: Fusion Fall multiplayer online game

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Resisting the lure many developers feel to make their games as risqué as possible, Cartoon Network’s Fusion Fall is instead a PG-rated MMOG that features the iconic characters of Dexter (from Dexter’s Laboratory; not this Dexter), Samurai Jack, and the Powerpuff Girls in their battle to save the cartoon planet from an evil alien force.

I sat down for a demo of Fusion Fall with executive producer Chris Waldron to get a first look at this new MMOG. Due to the success of the games on Cartoon Network’s Web site, the television network is working with Korean developers Grigon to produce a browser-based MMOG. The kid-focused game will be subscription-based, but a good chunk of it will also be free to the public. Equipped with numerous safety features to ensure a healthy environment for kids of all ages, the game is one of the first kid-centric MMOGs out there. Cartoon Network offers a refreshing alternative to the brutal violence of many MMOGs by creating a silly world where gumball cannons, imaginary friends, and annoying ballerina sisters can co-exist.

I played around with a couple of Chris Waldron’s avatars, as he explained that you can play as a boy or girl resistance fighter who must free the cartoon characters and seek their aid in the defense of the planet. The games developers built more than 60 areas to explore and 36 levels to achieve. The cartoon characters are presented as “nanos” you must find (usually by beating their evil clone) and that can then be summoned to aid you in combat. Some characters give you bonuses, others attack your enemies, and some give you quests to complete. In my first mission, I defeated evil “Numbuh 2,” a character from The Kids Next Door, and enlisted the freed character to aid in my future adventures.

That’s All Folks: In Fusion Fall, you find Cartoon Network characters and do battle with their evil clone to win bonuses and assistance.

At first, the casual fan of Cartoon Network may be confused by the art style of the characters. In order to make the world more cohesive, the art style has been altered by a Japanese manga artist. Instead of the abstract Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends disrupting the hyper-cute Powerpuff girls art style, they all received anime makeovers in this interactive world. This makes for a more uniform world, sure, but I initially scratched my head at the sight of a non-pint-sized Dexter.

The game is meant for an 8-to-14-year-old demographic, the so-called “tweens” and likely for fans of both the many original Cartoon Network shows and the Toonami lineup. But adults are not being ignored. Instead of creating a very simple game, Waldron explains that the designers sought to “create a game for kids that takes them seriously.” It’s not “watered down” and will challenge them with a combination of platforming, combat, races, and puzzles throughout the game.

Fusion Fall will also offer a number of ways to protect kids. Thanks to a partnership with Crisp Thinking, the game has chat filtering, moderated character names, forum filtering, and parental approval required for chat. But one of the more interesting features is the fatigue system. The game is designed to be played in 30-minute segments and actively prevents you from playing hours at a time. How? You’ll receive fewer and fewer rewards the longer you play until you don’t receive any awards for continued play. This may seem like a surefire way to turn off users, but you’ll also get a contrasting bonus for logging back in a few hours later. The game rewards players who pace themselves and is intended to ensure kids won’t be too distracted from homework or playing outside.

Mac users should be relieved to know that Fusion Fall is a browser-based game and we played the demo off a MacBook Pro. You can play it on pretty much any browser (with the exception of the newly-released Chrome, which isn’t Mac-compatible at this point anyway).

While official specs for Fusion Fall haven’t been released, the Cartoon Network people led me to believe that it will have low specs so to as include as many users as possible. If you want to check out the world early, signup for the beta at
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cara membuat transformer kaya iron man tapi make bahasa inggris.. hehe

Step 1 the materials

I wanted to make something a bit more substantial for this project and I remembered I had some suitable plastic in my cupboard. This is the key compenent for the project. This stuff is called polymorph and can be bought from places such as Ebay. It's a thermal plastic that melts around 60 degrees C and it becomes something resembling plastacine. From there it is simple to mold it into the desired shapes.

The next thing we will need is a light source. I wanted the whole thing to be quite thin when it was finished and sat on my chest so I opted for some surface mount white LEDs. Surface mount LED's have a very wide viewing angle and being white they produce quite a lot of light so they are perfect for this application. I bought mine from Rapid Electronics, I would plug them with a link but they charged me more for P&P on the LED's than the LED's cost, so I'm not going to. These LED's are in a PLCC 2 package which means they are still large enough to be soldered by hand.

You may also want some surface mount resistors to go with those LEDs. I used the amazing program at to work out exactly which values I need. As I am running these LED's from a 9V battery and wanted 20mA of current to flow throw them. They suggested how exactly they should be wired and what values I needed (incidently I have stolen the circuit diagram from them too). For my LED's I required 5x 180 Ohm resistors and 1x 330Ohm resistor.

I mounted the LED's on a peice of plywood, anything will do as you are glueing the surface mount components down for ease of soldering. A 9V battery and battery clip are providing the power for the system. These can be bought from any electrical store as required.

Finally you'll need some wire for the detailed decoration. Wire coathangers could be used but I used tin copper wire of 22 AWG gauge. There is nothin special about the wire, it's just hard finding something chunky enough for the job.


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346x400 : F53MLZXFGTT1OK4 (0)


The materials


step 2Wiring of the LED's

Some assembly is required for the LED's. I took my round piece of wood that I was using to mount the LEDS on and I started to glue the LED's in the desired places. The circuit from LEDCalc suggested I used 5x 2 LED's and 1 single LED in parallel. This ties in well with the arc reactor so I had the single LED in the middle and the pairs arranged around the edges.

As you can see from picture I made two rings of wire around the edges, the outer wire is 9V and the inner wire is 0V. This ring has the added advantage of providing an secondary route for the power should something go dramatically wrong in construction.

The power wires are passed through the back plate through a small hole, this will allow me to power the LED's when they are encased in the plastic.

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560x420 : F8HCNRWFGTT1OH2 (5)







+ve Wire


-ve Wire



Wiring of the LEDs

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step 3Making the plastic shape

This is the key stage of the make. The polymorph plastic behaves like plastacine when it is heated to temperature. This allows it to be pressed into a mold and form the desired shape. As always I wish I had more photos of the stages involved but I dont and it's too late to go back (let this be a lesson for budding instructable writers)

The mold is formed using balsa wood again on a more solid plywood base. The outer circle was cut out of balsa to be the required depth of the arc reactor. Thinner strips of balse were used as relief pieces and provide the detail in the plastic (These are roughly the same depth as the wire I used)

I heated the plastic using water from the kettle, once ready it becomes transparent and maleable. Care was taken to make sure it was pushed right into the mold to reach all the corners of the mold. Once fully pushed into the mold the LED disc was then pushed into the back of the plastic. The plastic pushes slightly around the disc which holds it in place. The disk must be alligned with the slots in the mold so that each LED is directly under a raised piece of plastic. (There are no photos of this because it was all done with some haste)

The final picture shows the plastic once it has been removed from the mold. You can clearly see the raised sections of plastic and the gaps that are due to be filled with wire. Under each bump there is an LED, the plastic adds to the diffusion of each LED and really adds to the overall effect.

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Making the plastic shape

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step 4Adding the details

The final step of the Arc reactor is to add the wire details. Holes were drilled in the plastic to hold the wire around the edge of the device. Each piece of wire was bent into a C shape, it was then hooked into a hole on the edge of the plastic and again into the holes in the centre (see photo). This was enough to secure them in place. Finally four wire rings were shaped to go around the centre of the reactor. These are held in with PVA wood glue, although any clear drying glue should do the job just as well.

As you can see from the third photo the device lights up very well and looks really good, now onto the final stage to bring it all together.

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560x420 : FEQ7AGJFGTT1OGU (0)


Adding the details

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step 5Bringing it together

As the previous stage finished the arc reactor this final stage is about bringing it all together in a costume. I brought a sleeveless T-Shirt from the local store for a few pounds. I carefully sewed a pocket on the inside of the shirt to hold the reactor, this proved to be a very good idea due to the number of people that wanted me to take it out and show them during the evening. The wires from the reactor run down the T shirt and into my back trouser pocket.

After a weeks worth of effort I officially had nearly zero facial hair so I ended up padding it out with some black shoe polish. I'm particularly proud of the whole chubby Tony Stark thing I had going on but then this photo was taken at the wrong end of the evening after quite a lot of good food and drink, normally I'm only half as fat.

I hope you find this useful and encouraging for your own projects. I hope to add a plan with some dimensions to this instructable in the future which will help anyone trying to replicate my attempts.

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